A COURTSHIP with the coatee!


mithila2These trends generally tend to be fleeting; most of the time fad-driven designs and styles become dated in one season alone. Having to keep up with such forever changing styles is tiring to say the least, not to mention time consuming and expensive. Women experience a conundrum when they want to keep up with the latest styles but cannot. A lot of times some designers are wise enough to bring back certain styles that used to popular a few decades back. As an observer of sartorial shifts, to me this is a very sensible and prudent move. For one thing, these styles have been tried and tested so one knows that it is safe. Moreover, a lot of times older sisters, cousins, aunts, even mothers have clothes fashioned with such styles lying in their closets already. And it is a fact universally known that a hand-me-down always bears precious emotional value and certain charm and magic. So all one needs to do is raid those said closets, grab the desired clothes, get it altered or revamped and voila! A new outfit is ready to be rocked, minus the burden of high price and stress of shopping!

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